Topics Covered

  • Forgiveness & Repentance, Ungodly Ties, Inner Hurts

    These areas address unresolved relational issues with God or people where Christian men and women can become hindered in their ability to biblically connect to God and/or others.

  • Word Curses, Inner Vows, Ungodly Beliefs

    These areas address lies and self-protection that influence and steer Christians away from the truths of Christ.

  • Generational Patterns & Demons, Deliverance

    These areas address highly influential spheres in Christians' lives where demons can attack Christians.

Expectations of Growth with EMPOWER!

Starting EMPOWER! Healing and Deliverance at your church is a slow process. Two trained facilitators take one participant at a time through the 8-week course. This is not a ministry intended to grow overnight. This is not a "business product" we are offering, and it is not a miracle cure for churches. It was developed and designed slowly but methodically and intentionally. However, multiplication starts as more participants turned facilitators are trained. The benefits of slow, methodical growth are an overall maturity in the culture and language of the church towards continued progressive sanctification and one-anothering.


“Jesus refreshed me by showing me my identity in Christ and replacing lies that I had believed in with His truth. To this day, I still remember and think about some of the pictures He gave me during EMPOWER!”

Amanda - Bellevue, Washington

“The training and counsel I received from EMPOWER! has been invaluable to my ministry, in seeing in practice how the gospel can give freedom and restoration to people in a way they could receive no other way.”

Andrew - Montreal, Quebec, Canada

“By going through EMPOWER! I was set free from the bondage of performing for the love of my Father. I learned to REST in and RECEIVE the finished work of Christ! Knowing I’m loved by God that goes beyond a head knowledge has absolutely changed my life and walk with my Father! ”

Avery - Foley, Alabama

“The Holy Spirit used EMPOWER! to help me work through false beliefs and generational issues in my family that I had never given much thought to. Since doing it, I'm experiencing greater spiritual authority in life and ministry.”

Jordan - Montreal, Quebec, Canada

“After EMPOWER! I remember my husband said to my two facilitators “I don’t know what you two did, but she is different!” I was delivered and healed from a religious spirit, shame and much more, praise God. ”

Diane - Edmond, Oklahoma

“I experienced Jesus through Holy Spirit power in an intimate and gentle yet mighty way. Destructive thought patterns were dismantled, forgiveness was given fuller meaning and hurts were tended to by Him who is the Good Shepherd, Comforter, Healer and Redeemer. Oh, what a great God we serve!”

Rebecca - Edmond, Oklahoma

“Through EMPOWER! I have received emotional healing and learned how to address those hard situations that pop up in life. EMPOWER! points me to Jesus, where my help comes from. I now know that my life matters and that God has my back! ”

Mary - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

“I am amazed by our healing God and have been greatly helped by being part of EMPOWER! Our wonderful Lord has removed decades of shame, insecurity, worthlessness, and hopelessness. I now have joy and hope and am learning how to believe what the Lord Jesus says is TRUE about me, not the horrible things other people say about me.”

Trisha - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma